Koç University Institutional Repository (KUIR) is an electronic archive of research materials created by researchers of Koç University. KUIR being maintained by Koç University Suna Kıraç Library, increases the visibility of Koç University’s research; can help with time-consuming research reporting exercises and begins the process of digitally preserving the University’s research and scholarly output.
KUIR can house open-access articles and conference proceedings, providing a place for faculty, staff and graduate students to bring scholarly content to the web. Contributions are welcome from Koç University academic and research staff and graduate students.
Please note that KUIR is a growing repository and in its current state is not a complete record of Koç University’s research output.
Suna Kıraç Library:
Determine What You Can Deposit to KUIR by Using SHERPA/RoMEO
Below you will learn how to deposit an article (or any other scholarly work you want to share) to KUIR. Before you do so, take under consider the following;
These issues can be clarified by using the popular tool SHERPA/RoMEO, a site that helps you find a summary of permissions that are normally given as part of each publisher’s copyright transfer agreement.
Let’s walk through one example of using SHERPA/RoMEO: First, let’s say we had an article published in Journal of Economic History. Enter the “TITLE” of the journal in the search box, and notice you can enter the exact title, the ISSN, or – if you’re unsure of the title of the journal – you can select “starts with” or “contains.”
SHERPA/RoMEO returns this page for The Journal of Economic History:
SHERPA/RoMEO colour codes journals either green, blue, yellow, or white, but it’s critical to read the terms and conditions for each journal entry in SHERPA/Romeo.
So for Journal of Economic History, we see the following:
With these general conditions:
What does this mean: the author of this work can deposit their pre-print or their post-print to Koç University Institutional Repository. We recommend publishing the post-print in this case, since the content will be the same as the version of record.
This is important, because the publisher’s version of this article is behind a paywall. When the author of this article publishes their post-print to KUIR, they will point to the publisher’s version of the article. If someone searching for this article has access to Journal of Economic History through a library or personal subscription, they will have no problem reading the article. When the author deposits the post-print to KUIR, the content will be available for free to those who do not have a journal subscription.
Publishers (and SHERPA/RoMEO) make distinctions between three versions of a manuscript when detailing the deposit rights retained by authors: the pre-print, the post-print and the publisher’s version. It’s important to understand the difference:
For further information download the Koç University Institutional Repository Publication Guide