KU faculty members can make their reserve requests from the Library Trackit Reserve Request section.
The aim of the Library’s Reserve Services is to enhance the educational process by enabling faculty to place library and personally owned materials on restricted loan to students for limited periods of time.
The Library Reserve system will provide access to course materials (sample exams, syllabi, problem sets, reading packages, lecture notes, textbook, etc.) written or selected by faculty as required instructional materials. This guarantees that the material is available in the Library for students to use, as and when the assignments are given to the class.
To assure timely processing of reserve material before the semester starts, you must submit your requests at least 3 weeks prior to the first day of your class. If the Library does not own the desired materials, they will be ordered as expeditiously as possible. It must be kept in mind that it ordinarily takes several months to order books from foreign vendors. Otherwise, the Library has to place a “rush order” that costs rather substantial surcharges.
You may place your own personal copies of books, videos, etc., on reserve. Local call number and barcode stickers will be placed on all personal copies on course reserve. The Library does not take responsibility for repairing or replacing damaged or lost personal copies placed on course reserve. Personal copies will be returned to the faculty member at the end of the semester, unless other arrangements have been requested to retain the material on course reserve.
E-reserves which allow us to place scanned copies of copyrighted materials on reserve. We are also able to provide links from the secure environment of Sierra (Library automation system) to materials selected from our site licensed databases. E-reserve services enable students to access their course materials 24×7 on/off-campus. The Library encourages you to avail this service. Freely available articles through the Internet can also be put on e-reserve collection without obtaining copyright clearance and can be accessible outside of the University.
Materials that can be placed on electronic reserve collection without obtaining copyright permission include the following:
Materials for which need the copyright clearance before placing on e-reserve collection:
In addition to the scanned copies which is Library’s priority, photocopies of the copyrighted materials which do not exceed the limits of fair use can also be kept in a spiral bound at the Reserve Desk on the Ground Floor which is located on the left, as you enter the Library. In any case, you must state complete bibliographic information on first page of each document in your course pack by means of copyright statements. When the material needs copyright clearance, please inform the responsible librarian to contact with publisher.
All reserve materials can be borrowed and used in the Library for 2 hours. Fine for overdue reserve material is 2,50 TL per material/hour.
You may submit your requests for reserve materials through the “Online Reserve Request Form“. Alternatively, you may e-mail your syllabus or reading list including complete citations of print or electronic materials to libreserve@ku.edu.tr. You may always search the materials put on reserve by your surname (instructor’s name) or course name via the online catalog. When the semester ends, materials are taken off from the reserve collection.
Copyright Statements:
As an educational institution, Koc University Library’s reserve activities fall within the fair use provision:
Turkish Copyright Statements
Turkish copyright is protected by Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu (FSEK) that was accepted in 1951 and updated on 09.07.2018. This law includes subject of scientific and literature publications (including computer software), music, fine arts productions, movies and gives the rights to right holders of these productions in these subjects as spiritual and financial. This law has been amended in 1983 and 1995. Last change of it has been done in 3rd March 2001. Those changes were on developed and changed forms of productions with infomation technologies.1
The articles that effects copying and lending process is under article 33. It says “yayımlanmış bir eserin, tüm eğitim ve öğretim kurumlarında, yüzyüze eğitim ve öğretim maksadıyla doğrudan veya dolaylı kar amacı gütmeksizin temsili, eser sahibinin ve eserinin adının mutat şekilde açıklanması şartıyla serbesttir.” It means, “Any published production are freely used as long as they are represented by non-profit purpose directly or indirectly in all education and training institutions for face to face education by giving clear explanation of right holder and title of productions. 2
US Copyright Act
Fair use – Title 17 Chapter 1 Section 107
Fair use – Title 17 Chapter 1 Section 108
Except as otherwise provided in this title and notwithstanding the provisions of section.