WELCOME to the Campus and to our Library!

To help you prepare for your visit at the library, we kindly ask you to take a moment to review the important information provided below. Understanding these new requirements will save you time and help!

Our Library Never Closes!

  • The Library is open 24/7.

Eating and Drinking:

  • In the library, drinking water is not a problem; however, our library is not designed for eating. Therefore, you should not consume any food or beverages other than water.

We would like to emphasize that the general rules of the building apply to workspaces and individual study rooms!

  • There is no capacity limit within the library. You can come and study in the library workspaces at any time.
  • The use of Library Group Study Rooms is done through a reservation system and is monitored. You can use this link to reserve a study room
  • When using library areas, you should use them responsibly, keeping in mind that others will also use these spaces, and you should leave them clean when you depart.
  • Within the context of fair use, it is not possible to reserve an area exclusively for yourself. Therefore, you cannot leave an area unoccupied for more than 30 minutes, including for your specific needs, as per our rules.

We like silence in the library!

  • We would like to remind you that we prioritize silence within the library. You may engage in brief conversations using a low volume that won’t disturb others. Using the library’s common areas for phone calls or chatting with friends is not appropriate. Please save such conversations for phone booths or after leaving the library building.

Don’t forget that you are responsible when borrowing technological equipment!

  • It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the rules and procedures regarding the technological equipment you wish to borrow from the library before borrowing.
  • The borrowing periods for these equipment may be hourly or daily, depending on the type of equipment. Therefore, be sure to inquire about the return time or date for the equipment you have borrowed from the relevant librarian.

Check your borrowed library resources from time to time!

  • Please note that you must return the library materials which have been in your account to the library by their due date!
  • You can find out the due dates of these resources through My Account!

You can join your online classes at ZOOM ZONE!

  • We have designated the reading room to the right on the Ground Floor as “ZOOM ZONE

  • Don’t forget to bring your own computer and headset to use this space, and remember to keep the volume down!

You can conduct your data analysis and visualization work at the DATA LAB!

  • Located in room 203-B on the second floor (western wing – next to the elevator), the Data Lab is equipped with high-configured PCs suitable for data visualization, graphic design, 3D rendering, coding, and more. It has been prepared to support your projects and research.

  • Please note that reservations for using the Data Lab must be made at least 24 hours in advance!

You may ask us your research questions!

  • Library Consulting Services continue online. If you have questions about your research, you may request an appointment under the title of “Research & Scholarly Communication Support” on Library Trackit, and you may search for resources with our subject expert librarians.

The Library is online!

  • With our Virtual Library Services, we can help you even when you are not at the campus. Click on the link to check our online services.
  • While researching, you can benefit from the Subject Guides that prepared for various research subjects.
  • When you are off-campus, you can access the library resources through OpenAthens (a proxy provider). You can check and benefit from our “Guide to Accessing E-Resources”, that demonstrates how to set up your OpenAthens connection for accessing these resources.

Did you know that you can request trainings for your research?

Thank you for doing your part by keeping our libraries safe, clean and silent!

Welcome to our Library!