The Health Sciences Library is a branch of Koç University Suna Kıraç Library, located on the R Block 2nd floor of the Koç University Hospital, Health Sciences Campus.
The core HSL collection relates to nursing and allied health sciences, in support of the School’s curriculum and the research interests of its faculty and students. The HS Library is open to the Koç University Hospital (KUH) community. Students, faculty and staff of the Health Sciences also have full privileges of using main Library’s facilities at the Rumeli Feneri Campus.
Monday – Thursday: 09.00 – 20.00
Friday: 09.00 – 18.00
Weekend: Closed
Policies on circulation are meant to assist users in using library materials in ways most conducive to user’s study or research. Materials that are frequently consulted or heavily used – such as atlases, handbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries and reserve materials – may not be taken outside the Library. General collection materials may be checked out, renewed or returned at the Circulation Desk. All borrowers must have a current library card to check items out from the library.
Borrowing policies are designed to ensure prompt and equitable access to library materials. The length of borrowing periods and specific loan regulations vary.
Health Sciences Campus Faculties, including Adjunct
Health Sciences Campus Students (Graduate and Post Graduate) and Short term faculties
Health Sciences Campus Administrative Personnel,
Health Sciences Campus Students
Koç University Hospital Staff
Other Libraries (ILL)
The Library collects cd-roms, videos, audiocassettes and slides, as well as books, journals and newspapers. Books are shelved alphanumerically by call numbers. For the general collection, the library uses LC call numbers, and for the Medical Collection, it uses NLM (National Library of Medicine) call numbers. (The Online Catalog reveals what we own, as well as the call numbers.)
The HS Library provides access to over 10,000 electronic journals and e-books through more than 40 databases in the field of Medicine and Health Sciences.
All users may use all computers in the library. They may use wireless connection in the Library.
Tüm kullanıcılar kütüphane içinde bulunan bilgisayarları kullanabilir. Yine kablosuz internet ağı sayesinde dizüstü bilgisayarlarını kütüphanede kullanabilirler.
The fine for over due material is 1,25 TL per day. If t he user does not return or renew the material during the grace period (3 days long), s/he will also be charged for this period.
If the user loses the material, s/he must inform the Library via email to immediately. The cost of the lost material and the processing fee which is 32,50 TL will be charged.
The aim of the Library’s Reserve Service is to enhance the educational process by enabling faculty to place library and personally owned materials on restricted loan to students for limited periods of time. This guarantees that the material is available in the Library for students to use, as and when during the semester.
Users may use the Library’s copier, printer and scanner.
The Health Sciences Library has areas for both collaborative and individual study. The library is divided into two zones and each zone has its own rules that our patrons are expected to follow.
Here’s a guide to what you can expect in each area:
Area: All the areas other than low talking zones. |
Area: Group Study Area |
The Health Sciences Library provides educational resources and services to support learning and scholarship at Koç University. The Library seeks to create and maintain a productive environment conducive to research, and study for members of the academic community. It is the responsibility of Library users to contribute to this atmosphere and to respect the needs of other users. Therefore, users are required to adhere to the Library code of conduct and to refrain from behavior which impedes others in terms of their ability to conduct their studies or research.
The activities which are prohibited in the Library include and are not limited to the following: