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Welcome to Scholar Studio Talks

What is Scholar Studio Talks?

Scholar Studio Talks is a project specifically designed for masters and doctoral students to publicize their research and present their topic to a non-specialist audience. Students are expected to present their research in a short time (5 minutes for doctoral students and 10 minutes for master students) and deliver their presentations in a concise, clear, and catchy way.

Why should I present in Scholar Studio Talks?

This project helps you sharpen your virtual presentation skills, gain experience in communicating with a non-specialist audience, and establish academic networks within the campus community and beyond. It will also allow you to publicize your research, share your original & innovative findings and receive constructive feedback from a scholarly community. Finally, this project democratizes academic knowledge by making it accessible for experts and non-experts.

Am I eligible to apply?

You are eligible to apply only if you are in the thesis/dissertation writing phase from all disciplines. You must hold doctoral candidacy (ABD) status to apply for this program if you are a Ph.D. student. There is no such requirement for master students. However, by the time they present their topic, they should be actively working on and writing their thesis.

All research presented must be associated with Koç University. Alumnus are not eligible to participate.

How do I apply?

You can apply by filling out the Google form. Please make sure to address each question on this form, as the information provided on this form will be used in the evaluation and selection process.

Before you submit your application, contact your thesis/dissertation advisor and ask him/her to send us advisor consent form. In this form, advisors must explicitly demonstrate their approval for the presentation. Advisor approval is mandatory and candidates not having it will not be allowed to present. Advisors can send their forms to Ebru Gönül Türk (

It is the student’s responsibility to contact their advisors. The selection committee will NOT contact the advisor on behalf of the presenter.

Students can contact Ebru Gönül Türk ( to reach Advisor Consent Form and KVKK Form.

Do I have to present my thesis or dissertation?

Yes, the presentation topics should directly relate to the researchers’ thesis and dissertation.

Can groups present?

No, only individual presentations will be allowed to present in this project.

If I’m selected as a presenter, what happens next?

The selection committee will contact you right after your selection and schedule a presentation time & date. Do not worry; you will be given enough time to make the necessary preparations. You may use a few PowerPoint slides during your presentation if images, charts, or graphs serve your research and presentation purposes.

What happens at Scholar Studio Talk?

What happens at Scholar Studio Talks is not fundamentally different than what you have already experienced in the classroom and conferences except for one thing: You need to present your research in a very short time, keeping in mind that your audience may not be experts in your field. We would recommend that you avoid using technical jargon. Be formal but refrain from using concepts and terms non-specialists may not understand. Your primary purpose should be to keep your audience engaged; prepare and plan your presentation accordingly. Following your presentation, the audience will be invited to ask questions about your research and share their comments. This Q/A part of your presentation will approximately last 10 minutes.

Does it cost anything to participate?

No, it is free to participate in the program.

I prefer not to present this time – can I still attend?

Yes, totally! You are always more than welcome to join the Zoom sessions, listen to the presenters, and ask questions at the end of presentations. These sessions will contribute to your intellectual growth and give you the opportunity to be familiar with research conducted in various disciplines. We especially encourage undergraduates to follow the sessions as they will gain much-needed presentation experience in advance.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions or concerns?

You may contact Ebru Gönül Türk (

What are the Presentation Rules?

Presentations are permitted with PowerPoint includes a maximum of 12 slides. No slide transitions, animations or ‘movement’ of any description are allowed.

No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) are permitted.

No additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment) are permitted.

Presentations are limited to 5- 10 minutes’ maximum and competitors exceeding 5-10 minutes will be disqualified.

Presentations are to be spoken word (e.g. no poems, raps, or songs).

Presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter starts their presentation through either movement or speech.