Open Access & Scholarly Communication

Open Access @ KU

Open Access (OA) provides direct, free and online availability of research output without copyright restrictions by publishers and increases the visibility of a publication enormously.

Depositing Your Work in KU Institutional Repository

Koç University Institutional Repository (KUIR) is an electronic archive of research materials created by researchers of Koç University.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

One of the new business models supporting open access to journal articles is an author‐side payment to the publisher of a processing fee to publish accepted articles.

Research Data

Material records such as digital outputs, textual records, visuals or audio that are the primary sources of scientific studies and are used to validate research results.

Creating Academic Researcher Profiles

Learn more about ORCID iD, Google Scholar, Publons and Scopus Author ID.

Avoiding Predatory Publishing

“Predatory” publishers use deceptive practices to lure authors to publish with them. 

Bibliometrics & Altmetrics Support

Suna Kıraç Library offers research analysis reports to help measure the impact of Koç University researchers with important bibliometrics and altmetrics tools.

Award Application

Award applications to high-prestigious institutions in Türkiye such as TÜBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences) and TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye) may require evidence of your research impact.

Copyright and Fair Use

This page discusses the main issues to consider when using copyrighted material, including how to determine whether a work is copyrighted, understanding fair use, and deciding whether you will need to ask permission for a particular use.